What is Affirmative Prayer?
Imagine a clear jug to which is added a mixture of different colored dyes until the bottom of the jug contains a dark murky mixture. Then imagine pouring pure clear water into the jug. As the pure clean water is added to the vessel it dilutes the murky mixture. The more clear water is added to the jug, the clearer the mixture becomes – until it has no more tint from the dye.
Affirmations work in much the same way; they act like the clearing agent being poured into the jug to dilute the mixture of murky thoughts, beliefs, erroneous words, and negativity swilling around in our consciousness.
This is a helpful analogy to bear in mind if, while stating an affirmation, we experience resistance that says, “I don’t believe this,” or “this isn’t true”. Just remember… it’s simply a clearing process to replace the negative with the positive.
Affirmative prayer can be a really powerful tool to use – not to cajole, beseech, or impress a God of our understanding, but to change our perception of a situation and any false beliefs, or limiting ideas we may hold about it or ourselves.
Prayer changes everything –because it changes us!
Affirmative Prayer Resources
Affirmative prayer treatments are designed to support us with whatever situation we may currently be experiencing.
Remember to declare your chosen affirmative treatment and the associated stand-alone Power Statements with feeling and passion, until you feel the words vibrating in your body.
Repeat them often to dilute and replace any negative ideas, beliefs, or behavior patterns you may inadvertently be holding in consciousness. Personalize the statements, adjusting and tweaking the wording as necessary, to make them your own.
A Meditative Prayer
Created and spoken by Rev. Paulette Pipe
Our Monthly Affirmative Statement
An Affirmative Healing Prayer
I affirm:
As I go through this healing process, I trust that I am in the healing flow of Eternal Life.
The Divine Intelligence in the DNA of my cells harmonizes with the very DNA of my soul.
I visualize those DNA stands at the center of every cell within the systems and organs of my body, stamped with a clear imprint of radiant health and wholeness.
I choose to bathe my thoughts and emotions only in ideas of positive outcomes. Therefore, I only speak thoughts of wellness to and about my body.
Steeped in this positive energy, created by my word, I easily release all fears which might in any way impact or impede the progress of my restoration back to vital health.
Fear is replaced with deep gratitude, especially for those who, while involved in my care, also need to stay safe themselves.
I give thanks for the medical teams responsible for my well-being.
Each team member is energized and equipped to respond consciously, with clarity and compassion, to the unmistakable prompts of their God-directed intuition.
Each person tending me back to wholeness, is in sync with Divine Mind’s Intelligence and intention of wholeness for me.
Each person involved in my care, takes actions and makes wise choices which are only in alignment with my highest good.
I am responsive to Divine Love’s quickening healing power and I am now restored to pristine health and perfection.
With deep gratitude, I release this word into the atmosphere and witness its swift manifestation into existence as complete and uncomplicated restoration.
And so it is. Amen.
Pray with Silent Unity
If you would like to pray with someone in person, feel free to connect directly with Silent Unity. A Prayer Associate will be happy to pray confidentially with you on the telephone regarding any matter. Call: 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729). This confidential prayer line is available 24 hours a day.